Divine meditations : [poems], 1640 July 2.


Divine meditations : [poems], 1640 July 2.

Manuscript on paper, in a single secretary hand, of about 57 poems on religious subjects in various verse forms. The collection begins and ends with a pattern poem written in the shape of an altar: the first is titled "The Altar" and the last "Sinnes Sacrifice." The manuscript also contains several acrostic poems on the name of Christ; other poems include "The Lords Supper," "Baptism," "On Humilitie," and On Christ's Passion." The work is prefaced by a dedication to Sir William Saville and an acrostic poem based on his name.

1 v. (114 p.) ; 19 x 14 cm.

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http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6931dg8 (person)